Abel Pann
Drawing 1
Abel Pann Frame size 16"h X 12".5w
Abel Pann Drawing size 9"h X 8".1/4w
Abel Pann Signature
Abel Pann Back of the Frame
Drawing 2
Abel Pann Frame size 9".5h X 12".5w
Abel Pann Drawing size 6" h X 8"w
Abel Pann Signature
Abel Pann Back of the Frame
Drawing 3
Abel Pann Frame size 16"h X 12".5w
Abel Pann Drawing size 6"1/4h X 7".3/4w
Abel Pann Signature
Abel Pann Back of the Frame
We inherited those three original drawing and we are interested in selling them.
For more information call me at 646 320 6841
or send me email to: gilp@its202.com